Insight Pro: Answer Key Investor Questions

The second tier of Essentia Insight builds on Basic to give portfolio managers — and product marketing teams — more visibility into their decision-making versus peers and a better understanding of their specific decision-making skills, laying the groundwork for continuous improvement and helping them address growing investor demand for behavioral/decision analytics. With Insight Pro, you’ll gain access to:

Insight Pro Image

Insight Pro’s skill breakdown (bottom panel) shows where a manager is adding value (in this case, decisions around stock picking, timing and sizing) and where there’s room for improvement (scaling in/out and size adjusting strategies). The upper right quadrant of the scatter plot — furthest away from 0,0 — represents the highest value-add.

Quartile Rankings Over Time:
Monitor how your Behavioral Alpha Score compares with those of relevant peers over time

Detailed Skill Metrics:
Drill down on your Behavioral Alpha Score for visibility into which types of decisions — picking, entry/exit timing, scaling in/out, sizing and size adjusting — have been adding and destroying the most value

Allocator Sales Leads:
Get notified when an allocator or asset owner requests more information on your portfolio